Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Blood: Part II

This site explains blood comprehensively and all of its components.


But this is not on the practical.  So I'm out.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bone and practice practicals

Texture of Bone is classified as:

   Compact Bone

   Spongy Bone

Size and Shape (not so Histological)


   woven (immature)

   lamellar (mature)

Mode of Formation:

   endochondral (growth in length)


   intramembranous (one step, growth in diameter)

Classic Ground Bone Slide:


Bone Remodeling Cycle:

Periosteum: (Can you tell the difference between bone and cartilage with H&E?)

**Practice Practicals**



Decalcify bone with vinegar.  Put a chicken bone in vinegar for a week.  Remove.  All that remains will be a rubbery cartilage like substance.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Slides (17, 18 , 19, 14)

With cartilage, there are chondroblasts (cells that lay down the matrix) and chondrocytes (cells that are trapped in the matrix).  Red pill or blue pill.  Lacuna are the spaces where cells reside within this matrix.  Isogenous groups or pairs are areas where we can identify progenitors from a single cell.  Remeber 'cyte' versus 'blast'.

I have added a picture of bone to show that the nomenclature will continue and that the processes are very related.  This ideas of cells in a matrix are important ideas for understanding connective tissue.

This is for those interested in diseases of cartilage.