Slides: (16, 36, 22, 23, 35, 21)
Cells, extracellular fibers, and ground substance
<- Umbilical Cord
Bone, Cartilage, and Blood, and Connective Tissue Proper
Derived from Mesenchyme
Fibroblasts...the most common cells in the body: *Note the histiocyte, a phagocytic monocyte
Two kinds of connective tissue below:
Blood Continued:
Mast Cell (metachromatic staining, very granulated, produces SRS-A, ECF-A, histamine):
Macrophage (Not as well define as monocyte progenitor) :
Plasma Cell (negative staining Golgi, making antibody):
Reticular Fibers:
Elastic Fibers (agyrophilic...they love silver):
Review on Ground Substance:
Dense Regular CT:
Dense Irregular CT:
Loose CT:

Stains of Note:
CT Fibers (Masson's Trichrome, VanGieson's, PAS, Silver) Adipose (Sudan Black, Oil Red O, Osmium Tetroxide)